Define Formula

An explanation of fields and properties

Define Formula

To access this dialog:

  • This dialog is generic and displayed from multiple functions in your application.

Formula arguments vary; for economic settings and MAO grade classes the arguments are element grades, for custom report fields the arguments are standard economic model fields.

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Formulas set using this dialog are sensitive to your operating system locale settings. Formulae may not work as expected if the decimal symbol is set to comma (,) rather than period (.).


Field Details

Left pane: lists the variables available to build a formula. This list will contain any custom variables that have been defined previously.

Right pane: used to build the formula. The formula always starts with '='

Check Formula: used to check the validity of the formula. If the formula is invalid, a dialog displays "Incorrect formula"

OK: saves the formula and closes the dialog. If the formula is invalid, a dialog displays  "Incorrect formula"

Cancel: closes the dialog without saving


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Related Topics


Formula Syntax

Economic Model

Define Custom Variables